Shipping & Delivery

This Shipping & Delivery policy sets out how Ticket Line deliver services to the organizations as well as to the individuals when you use this website.

Ticket Line is committed deliver best possible services to the organizations as well as to the individuals maintaining the  privacy of the concerned organization / individual as far as possible.

Ticket Line may change this policy from time to time by updating this page. You should check this page from time to time to ensure that you are happy with any changes.

As no physical ticket/product is issued/dispatched from this website/ from us; so shipping is not applicable here.

Please find the delivery policies for different services as mentioned bellow.

For Offline Ticket:

Registered organizations who are selling offline tickets, will able to generate and download offline tickets of its own. once ticket is generated, will be downloaded as a PDF file on the device. No physical copy or a duplicate copy may available from the ticket line/ us. Concerned organizations may take a printout of the the downloaded PDF file to sell it offline.

For Online Ticket:

E-Tickets are issued to the ticket buyer immediately after successful payment. On successful payment, they will be able to download the ticket by clicking on the ticket download link/button. The same link may also be mailed to the buyer’s and/or ticket-issuing agency’s email ID. It may also be sent to them via SMS.

For Membership Portal:

Registered organizations who are using our membership portal service, for its members, will able to generate and download membership cards of its members. once card is generated, will be downloaded as a PDF file on the device. No physical copy may available from the ticket line/ us. Concerned organizations may take a printout of the the downloaded PDF file to distribute it offline among the members. Concerned members may also download his/her card by self.