QR Tickets

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Sometimes you may notice that when you buy a ticket, there is a QR code with a number of black and white dots on the ticket. Again, when entering the gate, it allows someone to enter by scanning with a mobile phone or holding it in front of a device to open the gate. In fact, these tickets contain some information in the QR code, which makes it possible to check the tickets mechanically.

When a ticket contains a QR code on it and the code is used to validation of the ticket, it may be called a QR ticket. here are some samples.

What is QR code?

The full form of the QR Code is Quick Response Code. It is a machine-readable code consisting of an array of black and white squares, typically used for storing URLs or other information for reading by the camera on a smartphone.

Why a QR code on a ticket is important ?

Adding a QR Code to the tickets will make attendee check-ins much faster and smoother. By adding a QR Code on the ticket, all you have to do is just scan the ticket at the event venue/premises gate. Since the code contains information that is already present in the database, the verification will be swift.

Is QR tickets online/offline?

QR tickets may be sold and purchased online and offline. But verification/validation of the ticket can be done only in online mode.

What are required to scan QR tickets?

Though large organizations use specially designed devices to automatically scan the QR tickets and to open the entrance, but it is not necessary, you have to use the device. QR tickets can easily be scanned with just a smart phone. Internet connection must be active while scanning.

Is it required to install a special application (app.) to scan a QR ticket with Smartphone?

No, it is not necessary, that you have to install a separate /special app on your phone to scan a QR ticket. If you are taking the QR ticket service from a company, by logging into the portal, you may find an online scanner which may be used to scan the ticket. Companies that provide QR tickets usually also provide such scanners.

But logging in every time to scan tickets may be time consuming and annoying. Another thing, it may a security issue as the admin may not always scant the tickets. He/ she may appoint a person for the task. So login to the portal may also open other details to that person, it is not always desirable. A small application, designed for the purpose or a specially designed shortcut of a web page created on the phone may make the task much easier.

Is it required to install a App to buy a QR ticket?

In some case, you may have to install a app in your phone to buy a QR ticket e.g. metro rail. This app may help you to buy a ticket easily on the go.

But app installation may not required always e.g. if you want to buy a QR ticket of a cinema hall or an event; you may use a web-link. Organizers may share the link with a website, social medias, sms, email or by a QR code etc.

Is it time consuming to introduce QR tickets in your organization?

If one wants to build this system completely for one’s own use, it will definitely be time consuming. However, it is possible to start this method very quickly if you take the services of any organization that provides such services.

Is the QR ticketing method costly?

Anyone who wants to build a complete QR ticketing system for their organization by themselves is time consuming as well as costly. It is better to take the services of any company that offers such services to implement this procedure in less time and less cost. There is definitely some cost to keep it running but it cannot be said to be expensive. In some cases this may be possible at a lower cost than conventional methods.

Does QR ticket require any hologram, watermark, special paper or special printer?

No, all the required information of the QR ticket is stored in the qr code itself and is checked against the information in the database during the ticket examination. So in this case there is no need for holograms, watermarks or special paper. Tickets can be printed out on plain paper using any good printer.

If someone takes a photo or xerox of the QR ticket, will it work as a valid ticket?

Technically there is no difference between a printed qr ticket, its xerox or photo; as long as the qr code is intact. However, the authorities can decide whether they will allow the ticket image to be scanned or not. Because someone can take a picture of a ticket without the knowledge of the real customer. In that case the genuine customer may be deprived.

Does the QR ticket examination at the gate require more time than normal tickets?

Scanning a ticket takes about 1 second or less when the smart phone ticket scanner is turned on. During this time it is checked whether the ticket is genuine or fake, whether it is valid during the test period, whether anyone has already used it, if so, when/how long ago, how many people have access to the ticket, etc.

Not only that, the information about the ticket used will also be recorded in the database at the same time. As a result, overall it takes less time.

However, a few things need to be taken care of, such as smart phones and internet connections, which will be used in this case, need to be at least moderately capable.

How many people can check QR tickets simultaneously in an organization?

One or more people, on behalf of an organization, can simultaneously perform the task of ticket examination at one or more gates.

Is special training required for ticket examination?

Any task, no matter how easy or difficult, requires knowing how to do it. QR ticket testing with smart phone is so easy that 2-3 minutes of training is enough.

If this ticketing system is introduced, is it possible to get a calculation of the total number of people who have entered the respective place at a particular time / day?

The count of people entering the respective places with QR tickets is updated in the database every moment. So the ticket portal has the number of visitors available at any moment. But there are some limitations. As with tickets authorized for multiple persons, an accurate count may not be possible if fewer persons enter.

Also, those who have left after entering the respective place are not usually kept track of.

Is it possible to avoid ticket counterfeiting?

Traditional tickets that are printed on paper and sold, measures we can take to prevent counterfeiting are: printing on special paper, using company stamps, using date stamps, adding serial numbers to tickets, etc.

But the thing to note is that none of these are things/information that are available to only one person in the world. Anyone with a little effort can collect all these things from the market or make them. Now that stamp can be made within half an hour with the impression of the stamp. And the cost? Rs 30-40 only. Color xerox can be done with just Rs 10. It is very difficult to understand the difference between real and a fake!
So forging a normal ticket is just an attempt in today’s world. And it’s not uncommon for any discrepancies in the original to escape the eyes of the security guards at the gate, especially in a crowd.

But in the case of QR tickets all tickets are generated through a specific website of a particular company. All ticket information generated/sold is stored on that website. Each ticket contains unique information that is practically impossible for anyone else to guess. All this information is used during the ticket examination to see if the ticket is genuine or not. Since this information is different and unpredictable for each ticket, it is not possible to create multiple tickets of the same type from a single ticket.

What would happen if someone tries to enter with a photocopy of a QR ticket?

Since all the information in the qr code remains intact even in its photocopy, the QR ticket scanner will treat it as the original ticket as well. If the original ticket holder has already entered, this person will be blocked. If this person enters first, the original ticket holder will be denied to enter.

So it is the responsibility of everyone who is selling and buying QR tickets to ensure that the tickets are kept safe. It is necessary to ensure that the image/ photocopy/ any other soft copy of the ticket is not obtained or retained by anyone else.

Are QR tickets currently being used anywhere or will they be used in the future?

QR tickets are already becoming quite popular in many countries. QR tickets are being used in metro rail, common rail, cinema halls, event venues etc.

An American company “Juniper Research” conducts worldwide research on various topics in the field of technology. A study by them published in 1919 showed that by 2023, 468 million users would use such tickets. (Source: https://www.juniperresearch.com/press/contactless-ticketing-users-reach-468-million-2023)

Are QR tickets used in India?

Such tickets are already in use in India. For example Delhi Metro launched ‘DMRC Travel’ app on 30/06/2023 for QR ticketing. QR tickets were launched on Green Line corridor of Kolkata Metro on 03/12/2021. Kalyani Book Fair launched online QR tickets in 2021.

How can small companies start QR tickets at low cost?

Smaller companies, which do not have much financial flexibility, should purchase the service from a company that offers such services. Companies such as Ticket Generator, Book My Show etc. provide such services. Low cost high quality QR tickets can be obtained from Ticketline (https://ticketline.in/).

For more information about this, please visit my next blog.

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