Ticket Line.in


QR Tickets for All, Online & Offline

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Create and Sale your QR Tickets Online & Offline to stop loss due to Fake Tickets

This is a platform to sell & buy tickets online of events and premises. An event like a fair, drama etc. or a premise like a zoo, park, garden, museum may use this system to sell their tickets online.

It was established in th..

Among many reasons of Online Tickets, some of thrm are:
  • An additional counters of ticket selling
  • Sell tickets without any staff/ member
  • Instant home delivery of the ticket
  • Relief visitors from staying on Queue
  • A secured ticketing system which can’t be fake
more... . Read in Bengali

Any individual may test this Online ticketing system at any time free of cost with four simple steps i.e. 1.Account registration, 2.Ticket registration, 3.Demo ticket purchase (without money), 4.Ticket validation. read more... read in Bengali See the Video Tutorial
To set up an Online ticketing system independently cost may about five lakhs. Not only that it also consume time. But using our service you may save your cost and time. read more...

The system is ready to sell your QR Tickets Online and Offline.
Try it Now for Free
Fro any issue or enquary regarding online tickets, you may Call/Whatsapp on 8777286194 or mail to ticketline.in@gmail.com.